KANSAS CITY, MO — The Missouri Department of Transportation will host an open house Tuesday evening about its upcoming construction along Interstate 70.
Starting in April 2025, MoDOT will begin phased construction along the I-70 corridor on Kansas City’s east side. Construction will be divided into three phases, going through to an estimated completion of Spring 2028.
According to the project webpage, MoDOT will do the following improvements stretching from The Paseo to U.S. 40/31st Street:
- Add a fourth eastbound I-70 lane from Prospect Ave. to the Manchester Ave. bridge
- Replace 15 bridges and rehabilitate another seven bridges
- Improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the project area
- Reconstruct I-70 from Chestnut Ave. to 18th St. (Benton curve)
- Reconstruct eastbound I-70 from 27th St. to Cypress Ave. (Jackson curve)
- Make improvements to westbound I-70 near the Jackson Ave. bridge
Rachel Riley is the president of the East 23rd Street PAC. A long time resident and advocate for the neighborhood, she is eager for focus on the 27th Street Bridge and pedestrian use.

“It's a bridge that has been here over 100 years. It's decaying dramatically. It is unsafe for our community to travel on bridges that are decaying,” said Riley. “We want just what any other neighborhood wants. We want our community to feel safe while traveling, while walking, and those type of things.”
The open house will be held from 5:00 PM -7:00 PM at the Gregg/Klice Community Center,1600 E 17th Terrace. The public is invited to learn about the project's impact, key construction dates, and how to stay informed.
MoDOT’s website said construction will be phased to limit impact on Kansas Citians and the 2026 FIFA World Cup.
KSHB 41 reporter Claire Bradshaw covers eastern Jackson County, including Blue Springs and Independence. Share your story idea with Claire.