KANSAS CITY, Mo. — More than 1,800 Veterans' personal information may have been compromised.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is sending letters to 1,838 Veterans notifying them of the potential disclosure of limited information that may have been sent to another VA patient.
There were 77 Veterans impacted in Kansas City, 211 in Columbia, 134 in Eastern Kansas, 49 in Wichita, and 58 in Popular Bluff in our region.
No social security numbers or other identifying information other than names were divulged when Xerox Corp., under contract to the VA, experienced a printing error in November.
Appointment notification postcards addressed to patients were mailed Nov. 18 that contained appointment scheduling and reminders for other patients.
The error was discovered Nov. 26.
Corrected appointment postcards were mailed to all affected patients on Dec. 4.
All VA patients who were affected will receive a letter notifying them of the incident.
Veterans with questions or concerns can call 1 (877) 619-0106 between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.