

Nelson-Atkins and surrounding neighborhoods reach agreement on museum expansion plan


The Nelson-Atkins museum, Rockhill and Southmoreland neighborhood associations have reached an agreement for future expansion of Nelson-Atkins.

The groups decided that Nelson-Atkins will sell the Kirkwood House that sits east of the museum. The house was built by William Rockhill Nelson for his daughter, Laura.

The remaining land on the Kirkwood property will be converted to a sculpture park.

According to the agreement, the four houses north of Nelson-Atkins on 45th Street will be used for museum offices.

The houses will eventually be turned back into residential homes.

“Rather than continuing to escalate our differences, representatives from the Nelson-Atkins, Rockhill and Southmoreland found common ground and worked toward an agreement,” said Shirley Bush Helzberg, Chair of the museum’s Board of Trustees.

According to a joint press release from the groups, the agreement requires a Stewardship Committee be created with representatives from the Rockhill, Southmoreland and the Nelson-Atkins.

Nelson-Atkins representatives said they will continue to look for possible expansion property as the museum grows. 
