

Nine years later, KCK mother ups reward money in son's homicide case

Posted 3:07 AM, Mar 29, 2017
and last updated 3:17 AM, Mar 29, 2017

On March 28th, 2008, Josie Garcia's life changed forever.

On a Friday evening, she remembers getting ready for bed when she turned on her television and saw the news.

"I had seen breaking news that said two Hispanic teenagers had been shot," Josie said. "I tried to get a hold of him (Jose) and he wasn't answering his phone."


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On that fateful night, Josie's 17-year-old son, Jose Macias, was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting as he walked to a store with his cousin.

On Tuesday, the ninth anniversary of the tragedy, Garcia raised the reward for information on her son's death.

The heartbreak still lies heavily on her heart.

"It's hard sometimes getting together with family knowing that he would be the first one through the door," she explained. 

Macias was a student at North Kansas City High School at the time of his death.

His mother told 41 Action News that he was an athlete who enjoyed carpentry

On the ninth anniversary of her son's murder, Josie Garcia has raised the reward for information in his case.

"He was very athletic. He loved his family. He just enjoyed life," she said. "He was part of the carpentry program. He really loved sports. He loved swimming."

Garcia still holds pictures of Macias close by.

One features Macias in a new outfit, smiling and posing for the camera.

Another shows him in an athletic warmup suit, likely getting ready for a practice or game.

With nine years passed and no arrests made in the case, Garcia has become frustrated with the pace of the investigation into her son's death.

"Obviously, there have been no tips. No nothing," she explained. "(Police) don't really share information. They say it's an investigation and if you hear anything, call us."

On Tuesday, Garcia raised the reward fund for information on the case to $3,500.

She said much of the money was raised from fundraisers, like taco dinners held in the community.

"Just looking for any information that will help bring Jose's killers to justice," Garcia said. "It's way past time. I pray everyday that justice is served while I'm still on Earth." 

On the ninth anniversary of her son's death, she hoped increasing the reward and putting the case back in the public eye could lead to new clues.

"Any little information I'm sure can help police," Garcia explained. "I won't be able to rest in peace until I know that it's taken care of."

After the crime in 2008, police reported the suspect or suspects possibly driving a 1994 maroon or red four-door sedan, possibly a Dodge. 

A witness said the driver side door had primer on it, and the car had a loud muffler and squeaky brakes.

Anyone with possible information on the case or suspect(s) is asked to call 816-474-8477. Police say all information is anonymous.



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