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Nonprofit in contract to buy Englewood Theater holding community meeting Monday

The group wants input on what the community would like in the space.

KSHB 41 reporter Claire Bradshaw covers eastern Jackson County, including Blue Springs and Independence. Share your story idea with Claire.

A community meeting will be held on Monday evening to discuss the future of the Englewood Theater and Ben Franklin store.

Friends of Englewood Theater, the nonprofit that is in contract to buy both buildings and the parking lot behind them, is hosting the meeting. It will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Englewood Arts Center, which is next door to the theater.

The group wants community members and stakeholders to come learn more about the project and give input on what could take space in the two buildings.

Brent Schondelmeyer, President of Friends of Englewood Theater nonprofit.

“It's a challenge to organize the money. It's a challenge to organize the idea. It's a challenge to organize the contractors when we start to undertake this. But in some ways, this is significant to share is that we're really pretty, quite sincere about it all, because there have been prior efforts to buy. There have been at least three, if not four, efforts that didn't come to fruition and you just don't want people to be disappointed again,” said Brent Schondelmeyer, president of Friends of Englewood Theater.

KSHB 41 News previously reportedon the plans to purchase the two buildings. It was shared that the City of Independence will pay for a feasibility study to help the nonprofit and city identify what type of business would do well.

Charlie Dissell is the Asst. City Manager for the City of Independence.

“I think our hope is just to get something in here that makes sense and that can actually be viable,” said Charlie Dissell, the assistant city manager for the City of Independence.

The nonprofit is actively fundraising to complete the purchase. It needs $600,000. Donation information is availablehere.