OLATHE, Kan. — A class at Olathe South High School is feeling the holiday spirit and adopted a class in Chicago to buy gifts for.
Carol Nycklemoe's class is filled with seniors, ready to take on the next chapter of their lives. But before they graduate, they wanted to give back to some students that wouldn't have a present under their Christmas tree this year.
"I was telling them about my daughter's friend who teachers at an elementary school in the south side of Chicago and how little they really have. Somebody in the class, I think it was Abby, said we should adopt them for Christmas," Nycklemoe said.
Abby Davis, a senior at Olathe South, said the class knew they had to do something.
"She (Nycklemoe) teaches us that we take things for granted and sometimes just being in our school district and everything," Davis said. "We wanted to do something nice for the holidays to someone who needed it."
Word spread throughout the school and other classes wanted to help out.
"I will not tell you how much I spent in postage and I am 100 percent okay with it," Nycklemoe said. "So many boxes just jam packed with everything from fidget spinners and pop its to crayons and markers."
The multiple boxes were filled with books, homemade scarfs, 3D bookmarks and more. They were sent off to Chicago, and days later, the students were able to Zoom with the class in Chicago when they got their surprise last week.

"I didn't even give them the opportunity, it was just a discussion. It just kind of came from them and I think that's what we have here," Nycklemoe said. "Just really great kids who really do want to help other people."
The class was able to give gifts to 24 students. Nycklemoe said she wants to do something like this again next year.