KANSAS CITY, Mo. — An ordinance will be introduced Tuesday at a Kansas City, Missouri, City Council committee meeting to move animal control operations to the city's Neighborhood Services Department.
The city owns the animal shelter building at 7077 Elmwood Ave.
The Kansas City Campus for Animal Care has a contract with the city to run the building and subcontracts with the Kansas City Pet Project to run the animal shelter.
KSHB 41 reported last week that the Kansas City Campus for Animal Care told the city it wanted to discontinue its contract.
“KCPP was surprised to learn of the letter from KCCAC to the City Manager stating it wished to discontinue its contract with the City, effectively terminating its subcontract with KCPP for animal shelter operations in April,” KC Pet Project said in a statement last week to KSHB 41 News.
The ordinance to be introduced Tuesday directs the "City Manager to transition animal control operations from the City’s current contractor, Kansas City Pet Project, to the Neighborhood Services Department no later than December 31, 2025, and to cooperate with such contractor to facilitate a smooth transition of such responsibilities by providing contractor no fewer than 90 days’ notice of the date on which such contract will terminate and City staff will assume all animal control operations; reducing the contingent appropriation in the General Fund by $500,000.00; appropriating $500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to hire a manager of animal control services, negotiate equipment purchases, and public engagement efforts with residents and relevant stakeholders; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date."
The Neighborhood, Planning and Development Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the 26th floor City Council Chamber at KCMO City Hall, 415 E. 12th St.