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Osawatomie USD 367 to hold $20M bond special election in June

Osawatomie BOE 3/10/25

KSHB 41 reporter Ryan Gamboa covers Miami County in Kansas and Cass County in Missouri. He also covers agricultural topics. Share your story idea with Ryan.

Osawatomie USD 367 voted 5-1 on March 10 to finalize plans for a $20 million ballot initiative in a June special election.

The proposal holds funding for multiple district-wide projects.

$6.5 million would be utilized to replace Osawatomie High School's existing athletic track, contracting and permitting fees, and district-wide HVAC systems.

Osawatomie Track

With voter approval of the bond measure, $11.4 million would be spent at Osawatomie High School updating ADA compliance in restrooms as well making new upgrades to the school auditorium.

Funds would replace the school's outdated boiler and other infrastructure projects, too.

Additional boiler and infrastructure projects would take place at Osawatomie Middle School.

Osawatomie Trojan
Osawatomie High School

Earlier this year, KSHB 41 reported on the district's recommendation to its school board to cancel its daycare program. The board cited it was not financially sustainable for the half-day students it serves.

With the the prior news of the district halting daycare services, $1.2 million would be spent at Trojan Elementary, if voters approve the bond.

Trojan Elementary and Swenson Early Childhood Education Center are connected. With the bond, necessary upgrades to heating systems, the roof and security would be implemented.

Osawatomie Water Tower

In January, the school board discussed other interests with the Swenson Early Childhood Education Center.

According to the board, the proposed $20.5 million bond would be paid off over two decades. There would be no mill levy increase as it pays off earlier bonds.

Voters will hit the polls Tuesday, June 3, for the special election.

For anyone who missed the March 10 Board of Education meeting, click here.

Additional documents on the specific funding allocations can be found here. Information on the mills can be found here.