PLATTE CITY, Mo — Improvements plans to Highway 92 from Chapel Drive to Bethel Road have sparked concern among local business owners who fear the project could disrupt their operations.
Chet Goodman, owner of Goodman's Auto Repair has been in business for over two decades.

"It's been really, really good, been steady all the whole time," said Goodman.
He fears his business could soon be impacted by new improvement plans to HWY 92.
The $20 million dollar project is a Governor's Cost Share Project. The current plans by MoDoT and the city would add two lanes to the two existing lanes from Chapel Dr. to Bethel Rd. while also adding a median throughout the stretch.
"The road improvement they're talking about doing is going to have a median with only entrances on every other maybe quarter of a mile with a median down the middle, so you can't cross over median. So you're gonna have to go down and make a U-turn and turn around and come back to go to town," said Goodman.

Goodman believes the project would drive away customers.
"My biggest fear is, is that we are going to experience a drastic drop in customers, I'm sure, while this is going on," said Goodman.
As the city of Platte City who has roughly around five thousand residents continues to grow, City Manager Tom Cole believes change is vital in the process of growth.
“I really think the focus of all this really is the future of class city, adding commerce, adding residents, adding young families, which support our businesses, which support which utilize our parks and recreation," said Cole.

While plans are not yet finalized, the city is still keeping the community's input in mind.
"Community engagement is absolutely important on this project," said Cole. "The concrete median will absolutely be a focal point. We really need to hear directly from those business owners and those property owners how that would impact the design team and MoDOT have come up with some solutions at this point."
The city will hold another open house meeting on March 10 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at City Hall. If you are unable to attend the meeting you are encouraged to call City Hall for other accommodations.