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Poverty simulation gives Park University students hard look at making ends meet

Park University poverty simulation
Cierra Wilhoite, Park University student.jpg

PARKVILLE, Mo. — For the average American household each year, a grocery bill is nearly $5,703, health insurance is $23,968, childcare is around $11,582, and utilities are around $5,151.

For nearly 40 million Americans living in poverty, it's a struggle to make what they earn match their needs.

Park University held a poverty simulation Monday for nearly 80 students.

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Park University poverty simulation

Students were assigned different identities of people with various real–life obstacles. Their challenges included personal debt, high medical and grocery bills, issues with childcare, and more.

The goal by the end of simulation was for each student to have their bills paid and their family fed.

"Sometimes it's just how life works,” Park University education student Joazee Jarvis said at the simulation. “You get a surprise bill; you get someone knocking at your door, trying to rob you."

Joazee Jarvis, Park University student
Joazee Jarvis, Park University student

Joazee's simulation was as a 21-year-old taking care of her girlfriend's baby with only her girlfriend's income and benefits to live on.

"I saw today that there's so many different systems at play and against other things in people's lives, personally, professionally, educationally,” Park University social work student Cierra Wilhoite said.

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Cierra Wilhoite, Park University student

Cierra simulated a 13-year-old with a sibling acting as a parent.

"I was just mainly worried about the family unit and what was coming next for us," she said.

And for these students, it goes even deeper: Taking what they learned and making a difference in the real world.

"A student's not going to walk in and tell me, 'Hey, this is my situation,'" Joazee said. "I just have to assume the worst for kids and give them the best at all times."

KSHB 41 reporter Elyse Schoenig covers issues surrounding the cost of health care. Share your story idea with Elyse.