KSHB 41 reporter Caroline Hogan covers development across the Kansas City area. Share your story idea with Caroline.
Almost a month ago, a transformer fire broke out underneath the Prairie Village Shops at West 71st Street and Mission Road.
Businesses lost power for about a week before First Washington, the shopping center's owner, brought in a generator.
It's been about three weeks of the generator providing power for the businesses.
Business owners told KSHB 41 reporter Caroline Hogan that the generator created more issues.
Caffetteria owner Jo Marie Scaglia said she's been living moment to moment since then, scared the power is going to go out again.
The night of the fire, Caffetteria was forced to throw out all their food because of safety concerns.
They've had to close the shop on days the power's gone, costing the business a day's worth of revenue.
"We’re not able to grow, my team can't come to work, and of course, we pay them 'cause we don’t want to lose them," Scaglia said.

The businesswoman said when she reached out to First Washington, they couldn't give her an update or timeline on when a permanent generator will be installed.
Across the shopping center's square, Bijin Salon & Spa Owner, Connie Suss, said a new problem pops up every day. Those problems are on top of what her business is dealing with right now, including repairs from smoke damage and flooding caused by the fire.
"We had over $22,000 worth of retail that had to be thrown out," Suss said. "It was no fault of ours, and yet we’re gonna suffer for it, and it’s gonna be a difficult year."

First Washington recently started work on the former Macy's store next door to Caffetteria and Bijin.
The company, which is not based here, owns a myriad of other properties in the area, including the Shops at Fairway, Corinth Square and Quarter, and the Brookside Shops.
Scaglia and Suss are concerned construction will only make matters worse.
"I don't really have any ill will to the landlord," Scaglia said. "I just want them to do the right thing and give us a timeline when the power is coming back."
Both of the women have worked and lived in Prairie Village for years, and are excited to see new development.
They hope they will be able to remain in business to see the final result of the shopping center's remodeling.
"It’s hard enough when you don’t have a fire and construction, it’s already hard," Suss said.
KSHB 41 reached out to First Washington. At the time this article was published, we have not heard back.