

Rain creates muddy mess in the Crossroads

Posted 9:21 PM, Jul 13, 2016
and last updated 11:23 PM, Jul 13, 2016

Construction at 18th and Central in the Crossroads is creating a muddy mess, especially with Wednesday’s rainfall. The rain traveled downhill into the road, forcing people living and working in the area to travel through the mess.

"I have a brand new car, so I am like, dang it, now I have to track in mud, I have to worry about my clothes or what I wear, making sure I don't get mud covered in that," said stylist Kimberly Watson with Silver Screen Salon.

"You got mud all day long on your vehicle, it's all dried on there and it's like you live on a country road, you get home and you actually work downtown," said Frank Barns, who works at Art Lithocraft in the Crossroads.

While at the construction site, 41 Action News ran into the developer of the site.

“Unfortunately we have rain that is coming down all this week, we are going to be addressing the situation and we will get it taken care of," said developer Sean O'Byrne, who is also the vice president of Downtown Council of Kansas City.

Crews did come out to the site to clean up the street and put extra barriers in place to stop some of the erosion. More fencing will go up once the ground dries. Eventually grass seeds will be planted which should help with the erosion.

Officials with the city say the developer was notified of the problem on July 8 and gave them 10 days to fix the problem.



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