RAYMORE, Mo. — The City of Raymore is adding 10 crosswalks along 58 Highway in hopes of helping with safety and icy conditions.
They are called "permeable paver crosswalks."
"Our tops goals in the city are pedestrian safety and water quality. It's really important with our recent and great growth we have had. It's really important to keep our water clean," said Melissa McGhee, City of Raymore Communications Specialist.
The city had one installed last year, as a test run. They liked it so much that they decided to add more.
"In those bricks, have spaces in between to allow that water to run down and filter through the rocks and soil below," said McGhee.
That will put water back into the soil, rather than in the storm drains and help during those icy conditions.
"In cold weather, in the winter time, these crosswalks will aid and help reduce the build-up of ice on the intersections," said McGhee.
Here is how it will work: the water will filter between the spaces of the bricks. Therefore, ice won't form on the roadway, which can make both walking and driving dangerous.
One neighbor, where the first crosswalk was installed, thinks this was a bad idea.
"That was a big waste and they had to come back and fix it because it settled. So, it was a waste. We didn't need it," said Paul Sedlock, who has lived in the neighborhood for 21 years.
He suggested the city use the money to fix the roads and curbs.
The budget for the project is $176,685. They plan to add more next year with the same amount of money for 2019.
Kevin Kellogg, Councilmember Ward 1 with the City of Raymore, said they had in the contract that repairs would be done because they knew the ground would settle.
The sidewalks help improve water quality by allowing the water to filter through pavers into the soil below and reducing the impact on water run-off. It also has a defined crossing area for pedestrians.
Two intersections are under construction now and will take two weeks to complete. The city hopes to have them done in the next two months.