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Safety top of mind this Fourth of July as fireworks go on sale in Missouri

Marlon talks fireworks safety
Posted at 11:25 AM, Jun 20, 2024

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — With Fourth of July right around the corner, people are gearing up to celebrate the holidays with a loud bang.

There's no festivities without the fireworks, and many businesses like Red X Fireworks in Riverside have been preparing for the first day fireworks.

“It's gonna be a great year for everybody. Great selection for everybody. Plenty of product, it seems like. Prices are wonderful this year," said Zeke Young, owner of Red X Fireworks. "So everybody needs to get out. Plenty of rain, so we're in good shape."

Red X Riverside fireworks owner
Zeke Young, owner of Red X Riverside fireworks

The 77 year old family owned business has a variety of spectacles for people of all ages.

For Young, it's about the community coming together.

“Oh, it's like we say here, the tradition continues, and we like to do it," he said. "It’s always been Riverside is known for its fireworks, and we're just proud to be part of it in the community."

Although fireworks are illegal inside city limits in KCMO, Batallion Chief Michael Hopkins said safety is top of mind.

“They're very, can be very unpredictable, particularly depending on where you're getting them from," Hopkins said. "And I would always say, you know, buy fireworks if you are going to buy them from a reputable source."

Chief Battalion Mike Hopkins
Chief Battalion Mike Hopkins

Starting on the first day of fireworks sale, KCFD are prepared to be busy.

“It'll be busy over the next few weeks," Hopkins said. "The fireworks typically start a couple weeks prior to 4th of July, run through 4th of July, and then, like I said, for a week or so after until everyone's used up their supply."

The Red X Fireworks tent is located near the Red X store in Riverside.

They open their doors at 9 a.m. until they run out of supply.

"It'll be a good lead into the weekend, you know, and the weekend even before that, but we think sales will start increasing every year now," Young said.
