Many Shawnee homeowners are upset Waste Management didn't pick up their trash last Saturday for the community event "Tidy Town."
"They said they'd pick it up on their scheduled trash day. Trash day came and went. It's still here, we called it in. They said it's up to us. Take it to the dump," frustrated homeowner Michael Wulf said.
Angela Christensen also stared at a large pile of junk on her curb for five days.
"I shouldn't have to put up with this. Not when it's this easy to pick up," Christensen said.
Dozens of other neighborhoods in Shawnee look more like the landfill than a "tidy town."
Tidy Town is a way for residents to get rid of old junk like couches, rugs, and appliances.
Many people took to Facebook posting complaints.
"They just keep putting me on hold and refused to pick it up," Wulf said of Waste Management.
41 Action News went to Waste Management's facility in Kansas City, Kansas for answers.
"We think there was a little bit of confusion there," said spokesperson Paul Howe.
The company put new guidelines into place, like limiting the number of bulk items to five for the safety of their drivers.
Some homeowners, like Christensen, said they didn't think to check if the guidelines had changed, although the City of Shawnee posted it online and in the newsletter.
"They never had rules before like they have now. They could have at least picked up the two twin box springs at the very least. They didn't do that," Christensen said.
Wulf insists his pile is within the guidelines.
Howe did say they missed half a dozen areas on Saturday, but Waste Management sent out extra trucks Thursday and will send more on Friday.
"If we missed somebody we're going back to take care of them. There is no cost for this. That's part of the city ordinance," Howe promised.
The trucks will still only pick up items within guidelines. For items still left on the curb, the city is offering a free drop-off site.
Christensen said an hour and a half before this story aired, a truck came out to pick up all her items, along with her neighbors' items.