LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. — There was just enough snow for sledding Wednesday in south Lee’s Summit.
With AMI, or at-home learning days, exhausted from last month’s blizzard, school-age children enjoyed a traditional snow day.
“We get school off and we don’t have to learn and we can play in the snow all day and go sledding,” said Hadley, a Summit Christian Academy sixth-grader.

Different sledders at the Raintree Lake Dam offered different snow-day joys.
“That we get to sleep in,” said Presleigh, a third-grader at Summit Christian.

Alex Aeschleman, a Lee’s Summit R-7 fourth-grader, said she appreciates that “I get to stay home and cuddle my dog all day. And I love to play soccer, so I get to go and get touches. I like that.”

Her friend, Shay Garlich, another LSR7 fourth-grader, said her favorite part of snow days is that “you get to drink hot chocolate and watch movies all day long.”

Amid a particularly snowy and cold winter, these days off school come with a tradeoff.
Summit Christian may have to adjust its school calendar or add make-up days in late May, depending on how many more school days are called off this winter.
Presleigh said she’s not OK with that tradeoff. She prefers summer and would rather go swimming.
The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District is already tacking on days at the end of the year — and it may happen again Thursday. The district has already shifted its last day from May 23, the Friday before Memorial Day, to May 28, the Wednesday after the holiday.
“I would rather go to school tomorrow because I don’t want it to get too close to my birthday,” said Alex, whose birthday is in mid-June.
A lot of districts in the Kansas City area have already used seven AMI and/or snow days and there could be more to come, including Thursday morning depending on how cold it is, so the last day of school could remain in flux for a little while.
KSHB 41 reporter Tod Palmer covers sports business and eastern Jackson County. Share your story idea with Tod.