Well, it looks a little bit like something you’d see being sent to the depths of the ocean or the far reaches of space.
Or, like the egg in which Mork From Ork, arrived.
But, it’s really called The Bod Pod.
And, no matter the size or shape of your bod…one pod fits all.
This is the kind of technology used by professional sports teams and athletes.
The company, Muscle Metrics, will roll up to your place of business or workout spot or event in their mobile lab and give you important information about just how fit you really are.
According to owner, Cam Bishop, the procedure is simple: get weighed and, then, sit in the pod for about three minutes.
In a very short time, you get a read-out of vital statistics such as how much fat you’re carrying around.
You get that number in percentage but also real pounds.
For example, this morning at 119th and Metcalf, the person in the pod came out with a body fat percentage of under seven percent. That translated to around only 12 pounds of fat.
Muscle Metrics is one of only six such services in the country and business has been good.
Mr. Bishop says this matter of a few minutes can provide not only health information but motivation to get moving.
By the way, there is no requirement for you to exit the Bod Pod and say, “Na-noo. Na-noo.”
Joel Nichols can be reached at joel.nichols@kclive.tv.