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Unhoused shelter plans moving forward in KCMO; questions remain in Johnson County

La Quinta in Johnson County
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KSHB 41 reporter Grant Stephens covers issues connected to access to housing and rent costs. Share your story idea with Grant.

Two big pieces of news are coming from Kansas City, Missouri, and Lenexa as both cities are working on plans to expand shelter options for the homeless.

But plans for those shelters are moving very differently.

One plan is moving forward after a vote Thursday at a Kansas City, Missouri, city council meeting.

There's been a growing need in Kansas City, Missouri, for shelter space and easier access for people trying to get in a shelter.

The city council approved the start of negotiations with Hope Faith to create a low-barrier shelter there.

It doesn't guarantee anything, but it means the shelter is one step closer to becoming a reality.

Across the state line, Johnson County wants to build a homeless services center in an old La Quinta Inn in Lenexa.

La Quinta in Johnson County
La Quinta in Johnson County

"We have seen a few trends over time," said Rita Carr, director of community planning with United Community Services of Johnson County.

Rita Carr
Rita Carr

"We have seen a rise here in Johnson County of the total number of people experiencing homelessness over the last ten years" Carr said. "It has increased quite a bit."

The services would be run by ReStart Inc., but it's hit a roadblock.

According to the City of Lenexa, staff intend to recommend the denial of the permit that would let it happen.

More details will come soon though, according to the city's statement:

"As is our customary process for Special Use Permit applications, the City of Lenexa verbally informed representatives for the proposed homeless service center in Lenexa of staff’s intention to recommend denial of the pending application to the Planning Commission. Staff is working on the report that will outline specific details of the recommendation of denial, which will be released on Aug. 22 as part of the packet for the Aug. 26 Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission will consider the SUP at their Aug. 26 meeting after hearing from the staff, applicant and members of the public."