KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Union Station will close Thursday as an investigation into a deadly mass shooting that happened after the Chiefs rally continues.
Officials at Union Station said they're working closely with local law enforcement and city officials as part of the probe.
"Our appreciation is extended to the hundreds of law enforcement, security services, first responders, partners and our professional team who were on-site today to act quickly and thoroughly," Union Station officials said in a statement.
Union Station said it plans to reopen on Friday, Feb. 16.
Post office box holder will only have access into the P.O. Box area through the West Main Level doors.
Amtrak customers need to enter only through the level B Level Lower rotunda.
There, a security team will verify their Amtrak tickets and then allow riders to enter the building and move directly into the Amtrak area.
"Our Union Station professional team joins the Kansas City community in seeking a place of peace as we work through these very tough circumstances," Union Station said in a statement.