

Object thrown from 83rd Street bridge hits cars

and last updated

An early morning commute home from work turned into a frightening ride and dangerous drive for one Holden father and his son.

Todd and Tyler Dobbins were driving southbound on I-435 around 3 a.m. Monday. They were about to pass under the 83rd Street bridge when all of the sudden they heard a loud bang.

"I just happened to look up and there was a guy standing over the bridge. I was able to put my arm up, after that it was just a huge crash," said Todd Dobbins.

An unknown object, which the family believes was a piece of concrete, came barreling over the edge. It hit Todd Dobbins's hood and ricocheted into his windshield.

"I didn't know if we wrecked into a car, it was so loud," said Tyler Dobbins, who was in the passenger seat at the time. "It was a huge bang, glass flying in my face and [my dad's] mouth.

According to police records, another car traveling northbound on I-435 was also hit within minutes. Police are investigating and believe the act was done on purpose.

"This was premeditated. They wanted to do some harm, this wasn't a game," said Todd Dobbins.

41 Action News spoke with the Missouri Department of Transportation, which is responsible for the bridge. The last inspection occurred on Oct. 6, 2015.

MoDOT said the bridge was built in 1967 but has not been functional for at least five years. On the southbound lanes, clearance is 16 feet, 10 inches. On the northbound lanes, clearance is 23 feet, 4 inches.

"I find it hard to believe it would be a small joke or prank," said Tyler Dobbins. "They are doing some serious damage. They heard the impact and threw whatever it was at us."

This isn't the first time trouble has surrounded the bridge. This summer, police were investigating car tires being thrown over the bridge.
