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WaterOne raises bowls on two new water towers

new water tower olathe.png
Posted 2:26 PM, Dec 01, 2020
and last updated 2:27 PM, Dec 01, 2020

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Two new water towers will soon provide reliable water pressure for WaterOne customers around Johnson County, Kansas.

Contractors for the water utility recently raised bowls on the two towers as part of a nearly $10 million investment project.

A WaterOne spokesperson said the new towers will support growing parts of the county by ensuring storage, pressure and making water available for firefighting.

A 2 million gallon capacity tower went up in Olathe, Kansas, near the intersection of K-7 and K-10.

The second tower can hold 1 million gallons. It is now in place near 199th Street and Lackman Road in Spring Hill, Kansas.

That new tower is right next to an existing WaterOne tower. The spokesperson said having the towers side-by-side allows WaterOne to take the existing tower out of service for maintenance without impacting service.

The area around Spring Hill continues to add more consumers.