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Family Transformations, organization who aims to reunify families, opens home in Independence

Home offers safe space for parent, children visitations
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INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — Family Transformations aims to reunify families, help parents with visitations, and also navigate the court system.

When one walks through one of their homes, they will see a beautiful house with walls, a door, and a kitchen, but it’s so much more than a home.

It’s a safe space to help families reconnect.

KSHB 41 News first reported on Family Transformations back in 2021 when they opened their first home in Kansas City, Missouri.

"I just kept dreaming of an adequate place where these families could feel safe, feel loved, and the children could feel secure," said Colleen Huff, the founder of Family Transformations.

Huff decided to create it.

"It was always a dream of mine to have a home-like environment," she said. "I felt like it was justice for the families who were struggling to get their kiddos back from foster care."

Huff has now introduced a second home for Family Transformations use in Independence.

"We are here for the ribbon cutting of the Transformation Visitation home," Huff said at the opening of the new home on Wednesday.

It's a home and visitation spot for parents who are working through the court system to regain custody of their kids.

Harmony Belden is a foster parent.

“We have really benefited from this home; the kids in our home have benefited from this home," Beldon said. "It’s just a really great, safe place for the kids to come and play and spend time with their biological families."

It's a place for parents who want to build their lives and families back together.

"It sometimes can feel forced and uncomfortable, and you’re in the community and eyes are on you," Beldon said.

Ebony Tolbert is a parent aid at Family Transformations.

"They are away from eyes, away from judgment," Tolbert said.

She helps parents who are going through a variety of issues, like drug addiction, mental health problems, and domestic violence.

"That they feel a comfortable bond with one another and rebuild on those skills that they may be missing as a family," Tolbert said.

Beldon spoke on some of the benefits of the homes.

"Opposed to having to meet a kiddo in a library setting or the McDonald's play place," Beldon said. "This allows them a more authentic home setting where they could potentially cook a meal together or cuddle on the couch and read a book. Those are memories and opportunities you wouldn’t get to have if you didn’t have a home setting."

This home is more far-reaching than the temporary time when kids are in care.

"We have been able to use them post-adoption; we’ve been able to take our adopted daughter to meet with her biological mom and get to spend time with her so we can sit face-to-face and build a relationship with her," Beldon said.