KSHB 41 reporter Alyssa Jackson covers portions of Johnson County, including neighborhoods in Overland Park, Shawnee and Mission. Share your story idea with Alyssa.
Despite efforts over several years, next month will be the last for the Paul Henson Family YMCA in Prairie Village.
Beginning in 2019, the city of Prairie Village spearheaded an effort for a multi-million dollar, YMCA-operated community center.
Recently, the city decided not to move forward with the project.
The Paul Henson Family YMCA reacted to that decision on Thursday by announcing their Prairie Village location will shut down on Dec. 20.
"After careful consideration over several years, the final day of operations for the Paul Henson Family YMCA will be Dec. 20, 2024.
Discussions with the City of Prairie Village starting in 2019 allowed us to extend our operations as we explored the possibility of a new Prairie Village Community Center operated by the YMCA. Following the City Council’s decision on Oct. 21 to cease exploration of a new community center despite widespread support for the project in two statistically valid community surveys, the Y determined it is no longer feasible to sustain the facility with the resources available."
Prairie Village residents voiced concern during the community center proposal about the YMCA's financial standing and track record.
There's been a significant decline in membership since 2019 and the facility has been operating at a $200,000 deficit annually.
During the community presentations, even though the YMCA would run the proposed center, details weren't given on their financial share.

KSHB 41 spoke with regulars who use the YMCA about hearing they only have a month left of using the facility.
"For me, I think that's a loss to the community," said Gerald Wolford. "There's a lot of places to go to exercise, but it's the new generation."
Wolford also thinks the YMCA should've invested more into the facility to attract members.
Another member, Max Skidmore, was surprised to hear the news. He's a 90-year-old man who goes to the YMCA on a regular basis.

"I knew there was some difficulty but not that it was that severe," he said. "I said to the staff yesterday it was really a blow. I was not happy about it. They said no one is."
The YMCA said people can allow their memberships to automatically roll over to the Cleaver Family YMCA in Kansas City, Missouri.
You can also contact the YMCA to cancel your membership at (816) 360-3311 or by email.