NewsOne Tank Trips


One Tank Trips: Truman Presidential Library

The Truman Presidential Library is back open
truman presidential library
truman presidential library
truman presidential library
truman presidential library

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — Six and a half years of planning, three years of reconstruction and millions of dollars later, the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum is back open.

The remodeled resting place of our 33rd president, his wife Bess, their daughter Margaret and her husband is aiming to give visitors a fresh and in-depth look at the Truman story.

Through the brand new entrance, the entire first floor encapsulates the life of Harry Truman.

The library starts with his early life as a farmer and war veteran, then his relationship with his wife, then his first four months in office, followed by his second term and life after the White House.

The museum holds thousands of original artifacts that help tell the stories the president.

There are interactive displays and tons of learning opportunities for those who visit.