At this day in age, everything revolves around one thing – social media. But, you can’t always believe everything you see.
Social media obviously has its perks, but at times it’s easy to forget that everything we read and see online isn’t always real.
Take this post for example.
"Well it was more of a post of a man sitting on a bench and he was taking pictures of families and children," Public Information Officer John Lacy with the Overland Park Police Department said.
The post says the man was doing this at Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead as well as other Kansas City metro area attractions. Overland Park Police said that’s not the case.
"We didn't have an incident at any park that's been reported in Overland Park," Lacy said.
The post went viral, reaching well over 70,000 shares on Facebook.
"It has been taken down by the original person who posted it, however, the problem is that people are reposting it," said Lacy.
Overland Park Police and Kansas City, Missouri Police are working together. They say what was stated in the original post is unfounded.
Tuesday morning, Overland Park Police sent out a statement asking that social media users stay vigilant.
"You have to be careful what you're posting on any type of social media, if you feel that there's a crime that's occurring, you want to contact the police department and have us take a look at it," Lacy said.
Detectives have conducted a follow-up investigation based on information from the public.
They said the source of the photograph, identity of the man pictured and relation to any criminal activity is not known at this time.
If you believe a crime is occurring, the Overland Park Police ask that you contact them directly so they can respond to the situation.