

Missouri Congressman Sam Graves endorses Donald Trump for President

Posted 11:55 AM, Jul 13, 2016
and last updated 12:09 PM, Jul 13, 2016

Missouri Congressman Sam Graves endorsed Donald Trump's presidential bid on Wednesday. 

"There are a few issues that I’ve always considered fundamental to the future of this country. Without strength in our economy, our military, and our immigration system, we're at risk of losing everything we love about America,” Graves said.

Congressman Graves endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz back in December of 2015, but he now says Trump is the strongest candidate for the highest office in the land. 

“But these are areas where Donald Trump has been the strongest. And from his support of a wall along our southern border, to his unapologetic defense of our military and commitment to giving our veterans the care they deserve, it's been easy to find common ground with Donald," Graves continued. "Most of all, he's shown that he understands what actually matters to this country. That's why I am proud to endorse Donald Trump for President, and I look forward to helping him defeat Hilary Clinton this November.

The 8-term Missouri Congressman will attend the Republican National Convention next week to pledge his support for the 2016 nominee. 
