
Democrats select Darryl Forte for sheriff race


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Using a secret ballot committee members cast their votes in a special meeting. Forte received 57 votes, Rodgers received 17 votes and Inglima received 14 votes.

Immediately after the announcement, Forte shared he believes he secured the nomination.

"Because I care and I think the climate of the organization, they need somebody like me now," said Forte. "Somebody with proven leadership. Somebody that has a clean record. I’ve never been in trouble in 31 years in law enforcement. My record is unblemished. They’re looking for somebody with some integrity and leadership skills."

The Jackson County Republican Party nominated David Bernal, who was at the meeting Tuesday.

Bernal said he's running because "I want to serve the public. That was my intention. That is my total intention for running. As a retired FBI agent and a former law enforcement officer, I was a police officer, when the circumstances of the resignation of the previous sheriff came out I was pretty distressed."

The Democratic Party Committee had to hold a vote because the primary was deemed invalid by a judge late last month.

The general election is Nov. 6.