
Tips to get kids to eat healthier foods


Parents and kids alike make resolutions to eat healthier.

At Park Hill Schools, they are taking unique steps to help kids get involved in making healthy food choices.

They hope that by making changes at school those healthy choices will be taken home.

Here are some ideas from Ronda McCullick, director of food services, to help kids eat healthier.

  • Dip it or dunk it – Offer low-fat dressings, yogurts, or hummus to make it fun to eat raw fruits and veggies.
  • Create a food kaleidoscope – Children commonly eat with their eyes. If it looks colorful and bright, they are more likely to give it a try.
  • Include kids in menu planning & prep – Let them help make decisions at the grocery store and get involved in the kitchen.
  • Feed their inner adventurer – Provide opportunities for children to sample small portions of new foods.
  • Let their taste buds travel – Provide a variety of foods from different cultures and cuisines for all members of the family to try.