KANSAS CITY, Mo. — From finding access to the internet to getting a COVID-19 test, the Digital Navigators Project will help guide Johnson County residents toward a helpful resource during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
In September, the Board of County Commissioners approved phase two of the Johnson County COVID-19 Recovery Funding program, which allocated more than $35 million in CARES Act dollars to 14 recommendations from the Community Reinvestment Committee. The Johnson County Library received $334,000 from that pot to launch the Digital Navigators Project.
“The library is used to getting these types of questions,” said Ben Oglesby, a marketing specialist at the library. “We were already sort of ahead of the game as far as developing materials and developing resources. This has really helped us focus on creating even more helpful resources and materials.”
Oglesby said the library officially launched the project in November. During business hours, one librarian is dedicated to answering phone calls, emails and in-person inquiries to the Digital Navigators Project.
“For those who lack internet access or device access, (the pandemic) has been really difficult,” Oglesby said. “The Digital Navigators Project has been really helpful for those who have limited access to technology or internet or don’t have the skills to use the internet or that device. With this, they can call in and ask about how to use a service, how to use a new device or get assistance with using technology they’ve been given by their employer or through a school.”
While the project is centered on helping people get connected to the internet, librarians can help callers find information about food distribution, COVID-19 testing, employment opportunities and so much more to help make life easier during the pandemic.
“We’ve had patrons call in that have lost their job and need help finding a job and they want to find a job safely. To be able to have resources available to them has been really great and they’ve been really thankful as well,” Oglesby said.
You do not have to have a library card to use the digital navigators service. Even though CARES Act funding is set to expire at the end of this month, the library will keep the Digital Navigators Project up and running into the future.
To contact a navigator, call or text 913-826-4600 or email ask@jocolibrary.org or visit a library branch during business hours.
Libraries have served a critical role helping connect people to the internet during the pandemic.
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