
ReboundKC: OP Parks and Rec plans for summer

and last updated

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — As the near future remains uncertain due to COVID-19, so do the summer months.

While cities debate when to begin reopening businesses, Overland Park is also discussing how to go about reopening things like parks and pools.

Parks and Recreation Director Bryan Toben said a lot of what's possible depends on when stay-at-home orders are finally lifted and what size groups will be allowed with social distancing guidelines going forward.

The Community Development Committee will discuss how to go forward with opening outdoor pools on May 6. At this time, the city hasn't even moved forward on hiring lifeguards.

Other popular spots include the Arboretum and the Deanna Rose Children's Homestead.

"We are looking at a lot of different things, from one-way paths to keep social distancing to ticketed times to allow only the group size that is allowed by the order," Toben explained about those sites.

Basically, the parks department is in a holding pattern until they see what new orders entail for social distancing.

Despite the wait, they are ready to go to make sure summer will still be enjoyable for Overland Park residents.