PARKVILLE, Mo. — Bob Green's man cave is what dreams are made of.
It’s been featured on Netflix, NBC Football Night In America, Amazon Sports and a host of other shows and publications.

Chances are you’ve never seen anything like this, and Cave Man Bob keeps growing the collection by the day.
“The Jumbotron, a friend of mine who’s a bartender showed a picture and I said, 'Why are you showing me that? Now I’ve got to have it,'" he said as he showed me around.

Because the Jumbotron has four different screens on it, Green and his friends can watch four different sporting events at the same time.
“I mean, the thing is, nobody’s got cable in the ceiling, so I had to make sure they streamed," he explained. "And I could get by with one Roku stick, but I’d have to show the same thing on all four sides. Well, I didn’t want to do that. I wanted it really like a sports bar.”
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Green’s man cave is extensive. He doesn’t know the exact square footage, but it seems never-ending.
“The women’s favorite part: the Swarovski crystal helmet of the Chiefs, which I got at the Chiefs store. And they said to me, ‘Aren’t you that guy with the man cave? That would look good there,'" Green recalled. "And we had just lost to the Patriots, and I said, 'I’ll tell ya what, if they win, I’ll come in and buy it.' And I knew how much it was, and we won the next year. The AFC Championship and Super Bowl 54 in Miami. And I was in the next day and bought it.”

He admitted to having a bit of an obsession, but he’s about as big of a fan as they come.
Green’s been collecting since 1963, and the man cave has been around since he bought his home in 2017.
He even has a mural with Royals and Chiefs greats on it; many of them singing the wall like Patrick Mahomes and Len Dawson.

And if you want to feel like a champion, there’s a room in the man cave mirroring the locker room of Super Bowl I with a cigarette and Fresca bottle — great for snapping a picture.
“It’s kind of a work in progress, and I’ve got friends that have been over here many times and they go, 'Every time we come over here, it’s like the Smithsonian. Something different I haven’t seen.' And I’m like, 'Yeah, I know,'" Green said.