SportsFootballKansas City Chiefs


Super Bowl tickets, not a rabbit, were pulled out of hat Monday night for KCMO woman

Paula Pratt wins Super Bowl tickets

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Chiefs hope to punch their ticket to this year's Super Bowl next month

Paula Pratt found out Monday she has the tickets she needs to see the big game.

Pratt, whose passion is feeding the hungry through her work at Harvesters, attended the weekly Chiefs Kingdom Show Monday night at a Hy-Vee store in Overland Park.

She thought she was there to promote Harvester's Chiefs Kingdom Food Drive.

Instead, during a magic show, Super Bowl tickets for Paula magically appeared.
"I can't fix hunger, but I can certainly try to do my small part," she said. "Whatever I can do for people to try to feed people in our community. It means a lot to me just because of the recognition Harvesters will get.

Pratt said she's very passionate about Harvester's mission.

Tuesday is the last day to donate non-perishable foods in Harvesters barrels at Hy-Vee stores.

Here's a link for more information about the food drive, click this link.
