
One-armed golfer doesn't allow condition to stop him from inspiring others


Like all golfers, Jim Robke is always looking to improve his game, and he’s heard it all.

"The biggest hang up about golf is that everybody needs to relax and swing the club,” said Robke.

Pretty good advice for a guy who's been swinging the club since he was 8 years old.

A birth defect caused one of his arms to be shorter than the other.  After doing some research on the internet for tips on his swing, he came across the National American One Armed Golfers Association and decided to travel to Gaylord, Michigan to compete in his first tournament against other one handed golfers. He was a finalist. the groups "Never Quit" motto and attitude left a lasting impression.

"It was a life changing experience when I went to Michigan and played, said Robke. "I didn't think I would see that caliber of golf, and now I want to be an ambassador for this organization."

Robke is a 6th-grade teacher and is hoping to inspire his students, while educating them on the dangers of bullying.

"Bullying to me was something that I certainly went through and a lot of people went through, I want to teach my students to never judge a book by its cover," said Robke.