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'The waiting is hard': Mother explains what it's like with two kids in Israel

Cara Krashin, mother to two who are currently in Israel

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Cara Krashin is on standby every moment as she waits to hear from her son and daughter in Israel.

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"I wait for his call every morning," Krashin said. "You put the rest in God’s hands, because it’s out of mind and that’s what you do when your kid leaves you to go anywhere."

Krashin's son is serving in the Israel Defense Forces and her daughter is studying in Israel.

"He said so far it’s quiet and they’re just sitting in wait," Krashin said. "They’re ready if anything happens, they’re ready. But now, they’re just hoping it doesn't."

Like any mother, Krashin worries about her kids, but she said this is a different kind of worry.

The kind where some days she can't eat or sleep.

Her worst fear is having her children traumatized.

"You know it’s heavy to carry this," Krashin said. "Just waiting to see what happens next and waiting to see if my family’s affected, or my friends, or people I know."

She said it reminds her of a time when her sister was in Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

But this time, the difference is technology.

"Having modern technology and being able to WhatsApp or video with my kids is incredible," she said.

Krashin is not alone.

Many from the Kansas City area have family members serving in the IDF. To help the time pass and calm her nerves, she's connected with some of those soldier's moms.

"Yeah, we’re supportive, we see each other, talk on the phone, meet at lunch," she said. "We kinda talk around it."

Krashin said she is incredibly proud of her son.

While serving in the IDF, he's also raised money to provide aid to Israeli's.

"It makes me very proud of my son that he’s stepped up to volunteer," she said. "In addition, he’s stepped up to raise funds as well and they’re doing it on their own."

For now, this proud mother will be waiting for the message they're coming home safe by Passover.

"I don’t think they’ll make it back for Hanukkah," Krashin said. "There will be a war going on."