Crews from the Central Jackson County Fire Protection District received icy water training on Wednesday.
At Lake Remembrance in Blue Springs, the crews faced a scenario that seemed all too real.
"Every winter we try to do ice rescue training just in case someone gets out on the lake," said Central Jackson County Fire Assistant Chief Eddie Saffell.
With water temperatures in the 30s and some ice covering the lake, one crew member played a victim while another went in after him. Meanwhile, another crew waited on shore with a rope to pull them back in.
"With hypothermia setting in, being as cold as it is, obviously the patient or the victim can't help facilitate their rescue," said Saffell. "You go out and your patient may be unconscious, unable to help."
The crews wear specially designed suits to keep the water out and the heat in.
In all, about 30 people were trained.
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