When 20 children and six adults were gunned down four years ago at their Newtown, Connecticut elementary school, Carol Bates thought changes to gun laws were on the way; and they were, just not in the way she imagined.
In the past four years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders, nearly 100,000 people have died from guns.
That's why her organization, Moms Demand Action, and others will hold a candlelight vigil at the JC Nichols Fountain. They hope that by showing solidarity, others who share their views on guns will also join the fight to end gun violence.
"I think about those Sandy Hook parents every day," said Bates, whose son died by a gun in 1994. "I think about those children. First graders, just go off to school, you send your kid off to school in the morning and they never come home. So I hope everyone stops to reflect on what this gun culture is doing to our country, our safety, our security, but most of all to our children."
The vigil starts at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 14.
Terra Hall can be reached at terra.hall@kshb.com.