

The death penalty and our tax dollars


Tax dollars add up quickly in death penalty cases and typically state and local governments bear the burden of costs.

The Now KC talked with a local criminal defense lawyer, Paul Crammto learn more about what factors into the cost behind death row.

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        Death Row   Life Sentence
Trial Defense $395,762 $98,963
Court Costs $72,530 $21,554
Guilty Plea $130,595 $64,711
Incarceration $130,595 $64,711

Appeals: 20x more hours  are spent on death row than non-death row appeals. 

*Figures from the Kansas Judicial Council Death Penalty Advisory Committee (Feb. 2014). 

In Kansas, housing prisoners on death row costs more than twice as much per year ($49,380) as it does for prisoners in general population ($24,690). 

The death penalty is more expensive than life without parole because the Constitution requires a complex judicial process for capital cases.


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