

Why you should check your credit report today


When’s the last time you checked your credit report? A new report by found nearly half of adults haven’t checked their credit report in the last 6 months.

It’s been 6 months since the massive Equifax breach where millions of people’s personal information was leaked. found out nearly half of us haven’t checked out credit report since then to find out if we were one of the victims. Matt Schulz with says, "Frankly that’s disturbing."

Schulz says, “This was an enormous deal. Key personal information like social security numbers were compromised for nearly 150 million people.”

Once your personal information is compromised, it’s out there for good. 74% of you said that having your personal data stolen would be worse than having your cell phone stolen.

Schulz recommends you check your credit report once a month. “We don’t think about checking Instagram or Facebook 10x a day but, it seems way too much to ask to go to your bank website or check your credit report on a regular basis.”

Now more than ever it’s easy to check your credit report.

Schulz says, “A credit report will show you if somebody in particular has opened an account under your name without you knowing about it. And that is potentially one of the most damaging things someone can do.”

You can get your vantage score, credit score and free Transunion credit report at places like

"Remember, the last thing you want is for your credit score to be dinged by mistakes that aren’t your own.”