

Here comes the heat with record breaking temperatures possible

and last updated


  • The dry weather resumes after only a few sprinkles in most areas
  • The temperatures will be heating up to near record levels and maybe breaking record highs
  • A cold front is due in Wednesday


Tonight: A few clouds and mild. Wind: SW 5-15 mph. Low: 72°

Monday: Mostly sunny, hot and humid. Wind: SW 5-15 mph. High: 96° (Record: 95°, 1954)

Tuesday: A third straight very hot day under a sunny sky. A breeze will help a bit. Wind: SW 10-25 mph. Low: 76° High: 97° (Record: 95°, 1948)

Wednesday: Increasing clouds with the wind shifting to the north at 10-20 mph. Temperatures will be dropping into the 60s during the afternoon with a chance of rain. The chance of rain is still only 30%. High: Near 80° and then dropping.

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