

KSHB 41 Weather Blog | Pacific NW rain trend finally ending for Kansas City

It's been a rainy month, we've seen rain 16 out of the last 21 days. But a stretch of dry weather is finally loading!
and last updated

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Happy Thursday or Friday eve blog readers!

I hope you are ready for the weekend, I know I am, because we are looking to end this wet weather pattern just in time for some weekend fun! It's no secret, it's been wet here in Kansas City.

So yes, a Seattle vibe is certainly hitting, but we've actually been wetter than Seattle!

So far this month Seattle has only picked up 0.28" or rain this month while we've picked up nine times the amount of rain! Seattle has actually been on a dry stretch since May 8. Meanwhile we've only seen four days with zero rain reported this May.

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In Kansas City, May is our wettest month, so this trend is somewhat to be expected. We are actually only a little bit ahead of schedule. Our month to date is 2.68" and our normal for May 15 is 2.59". In Seattle May through September is their dry season. So in reality while we have been soggy, we've been Kansas City soggy!

Speaking of, let's take a look at some of the soggiest stretches Kansas City has ever dealt with. The longest consecutive rain for us max's out at 10 days. The longest stretch we've dealt with this Spring is 8 days from April 25 through May 2. So honestly, we don't tend to see rain for long periods of time, especially past 10 days.

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So what about other rainy cities, well our May trend is beating quite a few! Alaska and Hawaii are kind of their own rain beast, so no surprise there we are behind them (thankfully).

But we are having a rainier May than Quillayute (don't make me say that on TV), Miami and New Orleans. Honestly, Miami has been having a dry year so far.

Which makes sense, Florida has seen a worsening drought for the last three months.


While we have been rainy, it's honestly kind of normal and the places we are beating for May are being influences by bigger climate patterns.

But what isn't normal is how active our start to severe weather season has been! Missouri and Kansas are right behind the giant state of Texas for most severe weather reports this season (Psst- I've got a lot more coming in regards to this statistic soon).

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The good news is that we aren't tracking severe weather or wet weather for the upcoming weekend! In fact, we've got a nice stretch of 80's and summer-like weather loading starting Friday.

Tomorrow we should see more sunshine through the day with highs touching the 80s easily. Expect a beautiful Friday night in the 'big town' and an even better weekend!


We just won't talk about next week yet... yeah there's more rain... but hey remember it's May in Kansas City!!!!