

KSHB 41 Weather Blog | Who has the best chance around Kansas City of frost Saturday morning?

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Good Thursday weather blog readers, are you looking forward to the cool, fall temperatures this weekend?

I won't bury the lead, here is the forecast for Kansas City this weekend.


For those of you who have sensitive plants/vegetation and live outside of the immediate Kansas City area, I recommend you cover or bring in your plants if you want to get the most out of this growing season, as it comes to a close.

Some patchy frost is possible within the metro if you live at the bottom of a big hill or valley but the way it looks right now, I don't think we are looking at a season-ending freeze yet.

Frost Saturday morning

Locations with a temperature of 37° and lower are painted blue on the map above, or live in a valley should take care of their sensitive plants to prevent frost damage. That includes much of Kansas and northwestern Missouri.

Frost forms when the air temperature cools to reach the dew point, or in this case frost point with the temperature below 32°. But this can be confusing as none of the temperatures on the map are near 32° why the frost concern?

Different temperatures have different densities, cold air sinks to the bottom and warm air rises to the top.

Those numbers on that map represent the temperature two meters or about six feet above the ground, where people are actually experiencing weather.

frost explainer.png

But at the ground, the coldest and most dense air will sit and impact vegetation, especially from 5-8 a.m. Saturday.

Sunday morning temperatures will be warmer so no need to protect the plants all weekend.

Our average first freeze in Kansas City is Oct. 27, and our average first hard freeze of 28° is Nov. 5.

Have a great weekend!