Good morning bloggers,
It dropped to 56° this morning and it is Rainbow The Weather Dog's birthday. She turns 21 years old today, uh, I mean three years old. We had a 6:30 a.m. walk and it was so refreshing and comfortable outside with low humidity and a mild feel to the air.
It has been a rather interesting start to summer across the United States. The first day of summer was hot, and we have been going up and down in this first week of the new season.
- June 21: 97°
- June 22: 83°
- June 23: 82°
- June 24: 85°
- June 25: 92°
- June 26: 78°
Today will warm up into the upper 70s to near 80° with nearly 100% sunshine. It is just a gorgeous day. Let's try to enjoy this amazing day ahead of us one minute at a time!
From Hugh Crowther (is a friend who went to the University of Oklahoma and worked at the NWS):
June is not the hottest month of the year, but it is the brightest, the one with the longest days. Sunrise is prior to 6 AM each morning, with a sunrise of 5:51 a.m. between June 11and June 17. Sunset is after 8:30 PM each evening, with a sunset of 8:48 between June 23 and June 30. Between June 15 and June 24 each day is 14 hours and 55 minutes long. It gets even better the farther north you go. At International Falls MN, the sunrise is 5:10 a.m. between June 13 and June 19, and the sunset is 9:20 p.m. between June 24 and June 27.
At Anchorage AK, the sunrise is 4:20 AM between June 16 and June 22, and the sunset is 11:42 PM between June 21 and June 24. And, if you happen to spend June in Point Barrow, Alaska, the fun never stops! The sun is above the horizon the entire month of June. You can party all day and all night with the penguins, polar bears and mooses! It felt so nice yesterday with that north wind and lower humidity. What is going on?
The jet stream has retreated north:

Look at how the jet stream has weakened considerably and shifted north. This also shows a great example of the LRC and seasonal differences. June 24 just happens to be 128-days after February 16th, or right on the LRC 64-day-cycle. The energy in the flow is so much less now than in January, and yet the same pattern continues to cycle.
Tornado season ends by late June, and it is over. There is often a few severe weather set-ups during the summer, however, and occasionally, the jet stream does dip farther south creating a few tornado risks, more likely near the USA/Canada border.
The tropics have been rather quiet so far this season. There is one system being tracked, and it is located far to the south near South America as you can see here:

We will look into the tropics a bit more later this week. Kansas City's next chance of rain looks like it will be on Friday or Saturday! Independence Day is just one week away!
Thank you for spending a few minutes of your day reading the weather blog and sharing in this weather experience. Have a great start to the week.