KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Good Sunday bloggers,
Kansas City looked more like the Cloud City from Star Wars as we had some dense fog near the river and in low lying areas near the ground. It made for some rather picturesque scenes. You can see the fog burn off in the next 3 images.
The fog burned off by 9 to 10 a.m.
Lows this morning dropped to 58°. This is the first time we have dropped to the 50s since June 22, 76 days ago.
What is next? We look into the week ahead in the four and a half minute video below.
Have a great, healthy and safe rest of your holiday weekend.
Please do not drink/text and drive.
There is a Drunk/Texting Driving warning in effect for this Labor day weekend in memory for all of those who lost their lives or got injured in drunk driving/texting accidents.
Nathan McDuffie lost his life around 30 years ago in a drunk driving accident.