

Weather Blog | Fall finally arrives this weekend

Pumpkin fall weekend forecast

We are halfway through this week and probably done with the summer heat for the year!

Tuesday was the end of the 90-degree heat streak that ran from Friday-Monday.

10-Day High Temperatures

September ended up being 3° above average, making it the 37th warmest September out of 136 years on record in Kansas City. I don't think many people will disagree that it was a warm month.

Fall weather is coming this weekend, with high temperatures in the upper 50s to lower 60s. To put that in perspective, the last four mornings we started off at 63°... so Friday and Saturday afternoon will be cooler than the previous mornings.

Friday may feel a little extra cool as well as a brisk northerly wind will be blowing near 40 mph in the early afternoon, relaxing gradually through the evening.

Morning Low Temperature Trend

We'll keep a breeze around for the weekend which I think will prevent temperatures from getting cool enough for widespread frost to form in Kansas City on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Temperatures can be near 36° for frost to form because the coldest air, which could be 32° will sink to the ground, impacting vegetation.

Frost Formation.PNG

Outside the Kansas City metro, especially in northern Missouri and Kansas, frost may form as temperatures cool to 36-37°

Sunday morning lows.PNG

If temperatures end up a couple degrees cooler than our forecast, then technically the cold temperatures would be a little earlier than average as our normal/average first frost is Oct. 17 in Kansas City, the first freeze arrives on average Oct. 17.

Pumpkin fall weekend forecast

These cooler temperatures will surely make everyone want to break out the sweaters and start doing fun family fall activities! The best day of the weekend is Sunday as temperatures will be cool in the morning but comfortable and sunny in the afternoon.