

Weather Blog: Great fall weather, but the drought is growing

and last updated

Good Saturday bloggers,

The low this morning was 37°, possibly 36°. It looks like this was the coldest morning since May 1. One week ago the high was 91°. We did not see much rain during the transition except for a small band of heavy rain from Paola, Kansas, to around Pleasant Hill, Missouri, last Wednesday. Pleasant Hill recorded 2.46" of rain!

We have talked about and said countless times how we need rain. Now, it is going to become a bigger problem as we are heading into winter as we do not average much rain during the colder season. So, it would take a very wet weather pattern to make up the ground. We don't see that at this time. Now, we still have about 6 weeks where we can see heavier rain to chip away at the growing drought.

There is a storm system for next week that will bring heavy rain to some locations in the middle of the USA.

Details are in the five-and-a-half minute video below.
Have a great weekend and stay healthy.