

Weather Blog: Hello August 2021!

and last updated

Happy August bloggers,

I can't believe it is August with school 2-3 weeks away. I am not ready for my son to start his sophomore year. I will deal with that later! LOL

It is not only August 1st, but it is July Statistics Day. We did not reach 100° during July. So the streak continues, 1116 days since we hit 100°, July 12, 2018. We did have our first heat wave in two years, July 27-30. We had four straight days where the high was 95° or higher.

There are still many locations that could use rain. Officially we were almost 2" below average rainfall for July. There are other areas around KC that are even drier. Conversely, there are some locations that have seen too much rain.


It appears as the cooler air has moved in from the north it has brought thicker smoke from the western wildfires. The smoke is around 20,000 feet, so at this time it is not a hazard on the ground.


Here is a pic of the first August 2021 sunrise. It was quite hazy. Now, there was also some fog. We will see as the day goes on how much of the haze was fog as it will burn off.


What is in store for the first week of August? The 5 minute video below goes into detail.

Have a great first week of August and stay healthy.