KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Good Thursday blog readers.
Nov. 1 may have started cold, but the first full week of the month is looking warm!
Warm air is being pumped into the Midwest with a breezy south flow. Expect a string of 60's to stick into early next week.
November 1 may have started cold but the 1st full week of the month is looking warm! Warm air is being pumped into the Midwest with a breezy south flow. Expect a string of 60's to stick into early next week. @KSHB41 pic.twitter.com/8DIsIkkADM
— ☀️ Cassie Wilson (@CassieKSHB) November 2, 2023
While the Pacific Ocean continues to crank out storms over the next week, the storm track will be well to our north.
Here across the Plains and honestly much of the country, we are watching a zonal flow kick into gear.
This means the jet stream or storm highway is basically moving straight west to east. We need ripples in the jet stream to get storms or big changes in the weather. So a zonal flow is a signal that we will stabilize a bit.

Right now, this zonal flow could keep us dry through the middle of the month. There are some signs we could see this pattern change closer to Thanksgiving. But stay tuned.
While we are talking zones, are you in the zone for the big Germany game? While I have family in Germany, I don't know a whole lot about their weather patterns.
But I did find the German equivalent of the National Weather Service — Deutscher Wetterdienst!
It's a neat site to check out when you have some time and if you love weather. Just remember, in Europe, everything is in Celsius. So 13 Celsius is about 55 Fahrenheit, meaning the weather in Frankfurt for the Chiefs game will be pretty close to what we are feeling here in Kansas City come Sunday.

This weekend is going to be B-E-A-U-tiful. After the cold, and the snow, and the wet last weekend, we are certainly going to make up for it.
If you are looking for a place to watch the Chief's Germany game, KSHB is partnering with KC Bier Co. Doors open at 6 a.m. and the menu looks delicious with pretzels, eggs, potatoes and all the brats you could dream of.
There is a lot going on in and around Kansas City this weekending. Including the Kansas City, Kansas, Day of the Dead festivities on Saturday and the big post season drive continues for Sporting KC Sunday.

The only ripple to the weekend forecast is the chance for some showers Saturday night. We are watching for a slight chance for some light rain after sunset. Models haven't been all that consistent with this and at this point I don't think it will wash out anyone's weekend plans. Just something to note and follow up with.

ALSO - Don't forget this weekend we "Fall back." Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov, 5, and it instantly becomes 1 am.
I know as a parent of a toddler I plan to enjoy that extra hour of sleep, well maybe.