

KSHB 41 Weather Blog | Potential for stormy weekend

and last updated

Good Tuesday, bloggers —

Our dry spell may be about to come to an end as we are finally seeing rain and thunderstorm chances within 5-7 days.

We are now over 5" of rain below average for the year and over 7" below average since July 5.

At KCI, we are officially at zero for September when it comes to rainfall.


During the last 45 days, going back to Aug. 3, rainfall around the region averages 6.00"-6.50".

While there are a few locations that have seen above-average rainfall, 95% of the region is running 3" to 5" below average.

Basically, rain is needed everywhere.


There are two storm systems in the western U.S. today that we are tracking.

The first one is in southeast Idaho and is creating severe thunderstorms in the western Plains. This system will track north to southern Canada by Friday.

The southern part of this system may bring a round or two of scattered thunderstorms to our area Thursday-Friday, especially Thursday evening. A few may be severe.

The second system is now entering California. It is bringing some much-needed rainfall to the wildfire areas of California and Nevada.

This system will track to the southwest U.S. by Friday before heading into the middle of the U.S. this weekend. This will create a 200-300 mile-wide zone of widespread rain and thunderstorms.


As of now, it looks like the most likely time for widespread rain and thunderstorms will be Saturday afternoon through Sunday morning.

Some severe weather is possible.


There will be around a 300-mile band of significant rain and thunderstorms where 1"-2" of rain will be widespread; 30% to 50% of the locations within the band may see 2"-4"+ rainfall.

Now, this band can still shift north or south by 100 miles. You can see there is not much about 50-100 miles south of I-70.

A northward shift of 100 miles could take KC out of the main band.

Locations outside the band still have 0.10"-1" rainfall potential. It's better than nothing, but not nearly enough.


Wednesday will be very similar to the last several days. Highs will be 85°-90° with a partly to mostly sunny sky, moderate humidity and a south-southeast breeze at 10-15 mph.

Thursday and Friday get even hotter with highs in the low 90s. A period or two of scattered t-storms are possible, especially Thursday evening. Some may be severe.

The beneficial rain and thunderstorm potential arrives this weekend. Fall also arrives at 7:43 a.m. Sunday.


Have a great week ahead.

Stay healthy.