

Weather Blog: Next round of thunderstorms in Kansas City

and last updated

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Good Tuesday bloggers,

A round of beneficial rain is moving toward Kansas City at 45-50 mph. We will see a nice .25"-1" of rain over most locations as it crosses the city between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.. 20-40 mph wind gusts and small hail are possible. There will be lingering showers into the afternoon. his may keep our highs today in the 70s.


These thunderstorms are creating a large area of temperatures in the 60s and 70s. They are tracking over the cold air. In other words, they are elevated thunderstorms. They are feeding off the warm and moist air to the south that is tracking over the colder air in place about 5000 feet up.


When you have elevated thunderstorms this lessens the severe threat. You can get large hail, but damaging surface winds and tornadoes are rare as these type of thunderstorms are detached from the surface.

The thunderstorms Friday were 100% attached to the surface feeding directly off hot and very humid air. This round of thunderstorms is a different animal from Friday.

That being said, torrential rainfall and 20-40 mph wind gusts with smaller hail are all possible
We will update this blog through the day.

Have a great week
Stay healthy