

Weather Blog | What season are we in?

Jet Stream Ridge.png

Hope you're having a great Tuesday, weather blog readers!

We are in for a treat weather-wise this week with temperatures in the 60s to near 70 —every. single. day — and by early next week, we will be challenging record-high temperatures!

Check out these temperatures over the next 10 days.

Highs Meteogram.png

As we transition out of winter and into spring, the wind will become noticeable. On warm days in the 70s, the wind will be sustained at 10-20 mph, gusting 30-40 mph.

Speaking of winds, the way the wind is flowing around a large area of high pressure is responsible for this warm-up. We call this a "ridge" in the jet stream, a setup for hot summer days.

Jet Stream Ridge.png

The ridge is evident by the arc pattern in the wind streamlines. This pattern is bringing very warm and record-challenging temperatures from Texas to North Dakota.

This is also causing plants like daffodils and trees to begin budding, which is starting to show up on our pollen report as Juniper and Elm pollen increase, according to

As we go through warm and windy bouts over the next 10 days, the pollen count will rise and fall accordingly.

Pollen Coun  Feb 20.png

Can I start planting?
Keep that green thumb from getting too itchy to start planting. Despite the warm temperatures in February, it is not safe to start planting yet, especially the cold-sensitive plants.

The average last freeze around the Kansas City metro is the first half of April, and the average last frost is the second half of April.

Generally, you aren't totally safe until Mother's Day.

Freeze Frost Dates.png

The last time we had a February this warm was in 2017. But the following month, in March, it was 19° and about half the mornings the temperature was near freezing.

So you can get the yard and garden ready, but I would hold off on putting anything in the ground.

Rain Chances
There is a storm system skirting us to the south that may bring us some rain Wednesday night-Thursday morning.

Powercast Thursday.png

Rain chance is only 20-30% for Kansas City, with a little higher chance southeast of the metro.

Rain Chance Map.jpg

Enjoy the warmth, everyone!